Buying, Saving and Storing Seeds

For autumn planting broad beans, I guess I will continue to buy Aquadulce Claudia. They
have been fairly successfully for me over the years – some seasons
spectacularly so and other years, like this one, not so good. In fact this
spring they were a complete failure and I have had to resort to spring sown
broad beans which carry problems of their own, not least black fly. I’m
assuming my complete failure was due to the particularly wet season we had last
year which continued over winter and into the spring. This probably resulted in
the seeds and young plants rotting in my heavy clay soil.
I have found that, in good years, there is no need
to sow in spring as well – the autumn sown beans have provided me with a good
harvest until French and runner beans are ready for harvesting.

Garlic, this year, will require a little more
thought. I have, in the past tried growing several different varieties – hard-neck,
soft-neck and semi hard-neck varieties. For my ground I have found Solent Wight
and Purple Wight to be the most successful. These are both soft neck varieties.
The Purple Wight will be ready for harvesting from June onwards but won’t store
as well as the later Solent Wight.
As always, I am looking for new varieties to try and
this year I am not disappointed – there are several on the market which are
suitable for UK conditions and for autumn planting. They can be planted from
September so do plan now. I see that there is now an Early Purple Wight
available which can be harvested from May onwards but, again it won’t store
well. I am always looking for a garlic with a good strong flavour with plump
cloves so I might add a third variety to my plantings this autumn and Provence
Wight would seem to be a good candidate. T&M say ‘The large, fat cloves are superb in aioli and bouillabaisse but, adds
a “taste of Provence” to all of your garlic recipes’.
It is normally recommended that garlic should be
planted 5cm [2inches] deep but, on my heavy clay soil, if I planted them so
deep I would never see them again. I usually plant them like onion sets with
the tips just appearing above ground. I then cover with a net to keep birds
from pulling them up.
I think I will need a little more time to consider
my choices for potatoes – again there are new varieties on the market as well
as some old favourites but, I will come back on this.
Buying seeds can be a significant expense each year
and it is probably worth looking at different ways of reducing this expense:
Seed Packet Information and Instructions
To the uninitiated the information and instructions
can be fairly unintelligible and, in some cases, not sufficiently informative.
I do expect with a seed packet, to be told if the
plant is annual [it will grow from seed, flower and seed with one
season – the life of this plant will not extend beyond one season – eg, peas
and beans, tomatoes, peppers, coriander[HA
– hardy annual will grow successfully in a normal year outdoors in the UK].
[HHA – this plant is a half hardy annual
– it will grow in the UK in the summer season as long as there are no
frosts or other difficult unseasonal conditions].
Most of the vegetables we chose to grow in our
allotments will be grown as annuals although not all are considered such as, if
you wish to collect seeds from them they may actually be biennials – brassicas,
carrots, parsnips, parsley, etc.
the plants will grow from seed in one year but can survive a winter in a normal
winter] to grow on in the following season to flower and run to seed – eg
parsley and angelica [a favourite of a friend of mine].
– perennial plants will grow from seed [or cuttings,
root cuttings, etc.] to create plants which will last for many years. The
length of the life of that plant will depend on the conditions, the care given
to the plant, the variety and the type.
– indicates a hardy perennial which should grow
happily for many years in suitable conditions in the UK – fruit bushes and trees,
rhubarb, horseradish, etc
– indicating a half hardy perennial, will need care
nurturing to ensure it survives cold winter conditions – eg. globe artichokes.
Seed packets will usually give very basic
information on when and how to sow the seeds and how to grow on. However, some
of the smaller and more specialised seed houses give little or no information
on their seeds packets although the necessary information should be available
in their catalogues or websites [these are not usually available in shops and
garden centres].
The seed suppliers will rarely tell you if the seed
can keep over for another year however, they should provide the date of packing
[this is not always the date of seed harvesting].
Being able to carry–over seeds can be
useful. As a rough guide seeds can have a life expectancy of approximately:
year only
years +
years +
Onions – seeds 1 – 2 years, sets 1 year only
Potatoes [tubers, not real seeds]
Broad beans
French beans
Runner beans
Salsify and Scorzonera
Beet – leaf
Brassicas – broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage,
cauliflowers, kale,
Capsicum – peppers and chillies,
Curcurbits – courgettes, cucumbers, squashes,
pumpkins, marrows, melons
Although I have kept some seeds beyond their life
expectancy and a reasonable percentage has germinated, it is important that
even seed with a long life expectancy should be stored in cool, dry, airtight
conditions, in some cases even storage in a fridge will prolong seed life but,
not in a freezer. Over years, for even those seed which have a long life, the
viability will reduce. I have found that seeds I have collected myself from my
own plants have had a much longer life expectancy than that for bought seed.

This year I have planted quite a wide range of
pumpkins which I am now starting to harvest. I had added Turk’s Turban to the
mix. I wonder what delights I will grow next year.
o *
Try sharing the seed order with a friend
or neighbour to share packets [especially brassicas where you always get more
than you need] or to buy in more commercial quantities eg. peas where a kilo
could be no more expensive than a retail packet.
If you are planning to buy lots of
seeds, plan in advance and order from a catalogue or on-line catalogue from one
of the seed-houses [small organic growers like The Real Seed Catalogue or Nicky’s
Seeds, can be much cheaper], rather than from a garden centre or retail shop.
You may have to pay a little extra for postage but this is more than covered by
the cost of the seeds.
Perhaps your Allotment Association or
one close to you, has its own shop. Usually, as the seeds and equipment are
bought in bulk, it will be much cheaper and savings should be passed on to
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