
Thursday 27 March 2014

Growing and Using Globe Artichokes

Growing and Using Globe Artichokes

Globe Artichokes should not be compared with nor mixed up with Jerusalem Artichokes. They neither look nor taste similar. Jerusalem artichokes – helianthus tubeosus -are a root vegetable (very easy to grow), and are related to sunflowers. They are not my favourite vegetable but they are very versatile and are a good, healthy substitute for potatoes. The flowers while not as dramatic as sunflowers can make a useful cut flower.
One of the downsides of Jerusalem Artichokes is that once they have established successfully on your plot or in your garden, they can be something of a pest to eradicate. I think it took me 4 years to finally remove the last tuber.
However, this article is about that wonderful, luxurious vegetable – Globe Artichoke – cynara scolymus. They are related to the majestic Cardoon – cynara cardunculus which are also edible and like giant thistles they make useful striking, architectural plants for flower arranging.

Sowing, planting and Growing
The plants can be established from root cuttings from already well-established plants or they can be grown from seed. While my daughter has been very successful with the latter method of propagating these plants – she has grown enough for a good plot of her own and had enough to give some away. While I have managed to germinate these from seed in my propagator, my success rate has been disappointing. As each packet of seeds contains no more than half a dozen seeds, a poor germination rate can be discouraging. Perhaps the temperature in my propagator [set for more demanding crops, was too warm for this species.]
I first established my plants by buying young plants from a well known nursery. They are usually sent out during April, as ‘plugs’ - young plants in small pots at 2nd or 3rd true leaf stage – to be grown on in larger pots before planting out in their final position and to be honest, this is probably the easiest way to get started. A pack of 6 or 10 or 12 plants will establish a good sized bed, providing a regular crop for a few pounds. Do protect the plants from late frosts – they really don’t like frost even when well established mature plants.
These young plants can give heads in their first year though we are strongly recommended to cut out any ‘flower’ heads before they develop. But, like newly established strawberry beds where we are similarly advised to avoid a harvest in the first year, I have to admit to allowing them to fruit and enjoying the produce. I have not found there to be any damage to the future of the plants in either case though, perhaps I have been lucky.
Once the plants have established for a couple of years you can start looking for side shoots coming out of the main plant – in springtime – April is good. It is a good idea to find two or three of these together and using a spade with a good sharp edge, slice through the root where it is attached to the ‘mother’ plant. Make sure you are leaving enough of the young growth on the ‘mother’ plant so that it can continue to thrive. Try to avoid disturbing the roots and keep as much as possible of the soil and root mass together.
Plant the young plantlets in a well tilled site, just below the surface to either extend your present bed or to create a new one. Protect from frost and harsh winds until well established. If necessary, in cold weather. plant the cuttings into pots in good compost to allow them to develop before transplanting to their final position.
Globe artichokes are half hardy perennials although, unless well tended each year, they can deteriorate and stop being productive. Make sure your artichoke beds are kept weed free and mulch well each year with a good dressing of manure.
In a mild winter or in mild areas the plants can survive the winter with little attention. However, even in the mild SW of England we have had a few bitter winters which have destroyed well established artichoke beds.
If you are expecting light frosts cover the plants with environmesh. The advice for protecting the plants from heavy frost is to cut the plants back in autumn and cover with straw. I have found this a painful process as I must cut back plants when they are looking at their most vigorous. However, even in the coldest winter, my greatest losses have been no more than 50%, although a couple of years ago, following a particularly bitter winter, a plot neighbour said she had lost all of her plants.
This year, I was expecting a mild winter. This is what I got although I hadn’t also expected the devastating floods which affected my neighbouring counties. I put a net over my globe artichoke plants and their neighbouring broad bean plants, I thought this would ‘cut’ any light frost but not allow fungi to develop or pests to engorge beneath a thicker protection – both have survived the winter marvellously and I’m already eyeing the side shoots I will take to increase my stock.

Types and Varieties
Of course these are likely to change as nurseries develop new varieties but the most popular varieties this year are Emerald, Green Globe Improved F1, Violet Globe. Each variety has a slightly different globe shape and some have rather sharper/spikier bracts which can make the globes quite painful to work with. I have not noticed a difference in flavour with the difference varieties nor in their efficiency though, my preference is for the fat green round globe type like ‘Emerald’.

Nutritional Value
This vegetable is an excellent source of Vitamins C and K
                                                           Minerals Calcium. Magnesium and phosphorus
It is a good source of Folate, potassium and manganese
There are traces of fat, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and B6, Vitamin E,  Zinc and copper
It is very low in saturated fat and cholesterol

Harvesting, Cooking and Storing
Artichokes are a pain to prepare but totally delicious to eat. I guess it could be argued that the effort needed to prepare this very expensive vegetable far outweighs the eating value of the vegetable. For me, they are only available for a few months in the summer and are well worth the effort.
They are a great starter for dinner parties as eating them takes almost as long as preparing them and gives guests time to chat and enjoy a glass of wine or two without spoiling their appetites for a more hearty main course.
To prepare
Cut off the stem and the base head, also removing the smaller outer bracts [scales] of the artichoke, as close as possible to the main head – be careful not to remove too much of the heart which is the best part. Cut off the outer bracts until it is apparent that there is a useable swelling at the bottom of each – the base of these bracts are edible. Using a pair of kitchen scissors cut off the top of the head so that you can gain access to the centre or ‘choke’. I also like to cut the sharp tops off each of the bracts as they can be quite thorny.
A Peruvian friend tells me that in Peru, no further preparation is needed. They are cooked whole and diners must remove the beard or choke for themselves. I did try this method but, it quite spoiled my enjoyment of eating them so, I always remove the choke.
Using a sharp spoon or a noisette spoon [a strong melon baller] I dig into the centre of the artichoke and remove the small bracts and all of the beard/choke.
To cook
Bring a large saucepan of salted water to the boil and place the artichokes in the water. Simmer gently for 20 – 30 minutes [depending on the size of the heads]. Remove from the water and drain well. Serve with Hollandaise sauce or with butter, lemon and black pepper.
An Alternative Method
I have also found this method quite successful and much quicker to prepare: -
Cut off the stem, part of the base and the outer bracts as before. Then, using a strong sharp knife, cut away ⅔ to  ¾ of the top leaving the choke and the centre exposed. Cut the head in half down through the centre. This gives easy access for removing the choke and the fibrous inner scales or bracts and they can be easily removed with a sharp knife.
Place these artichoke hearts in a large sheet of greaseproof paper or tinfoil. Sprinkle with sea salt and cracked black pepper. Add some fresh lemon zest and a knob of butter or two. Wrap the tinfoil or greaseproof paper to make an envelope. Bake in a preheated moderate oven [180ÂșC] for approx. 45 minutes. Serve with lemon wedges and warm crusty bread.

The artichoke hearts can be frozen for use during the winter months – prepare each heart buy removing the outer bracts, the choke and all hard scales. Blanch in boiling water for 2 – 3 minutes the dunk into iced water. Drain well and pack into suitable freezer containers.

Pests and Diseases
·         Frost is a serious concern in colder areas and in cold winters – protection will be needed [see above].
·         Aphids – particularly black fly will attack the plants and the tender, developing globes where they can insinuate themselves between each bract to the inside of the globe. While it is possible to remove them during preparation by soaking the globes in salted water, it is easier to treat the plants before an infestation.
·          Slugs – will seriously damage young plants and newly established cuttings though pose little threat to well established, mature plants.

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