A Gentle Morning in Mid-March
Do have a look at my Website -Feasting from Allotments
Well, this morning is a bit better than the last time I wrote. Lots of my neighbours on their plots trying to catch up on some much needed work on this almost balmy morning.
My family of magpies was fixing up last year's nest on the tree a few yards from my plot. They do chatter a lot - she was probably nagging him to bring better sticks to patch it up, scolding him for bringing the wrong size or for his laziness. I am being silly but, it is rewarding to see them preparing for the year ahead. They are part of a large group [probably all related] which lives around the allotment field and it is interesting to see when an alarm call goes out of a crow or hawk attack , how magpies arrive from all directions to help although, few of them seem happy to take on the much larger crows.
I was able to water the just-emerging seedlings in my poly-tunnel. Cabbage, kale, cauliflower, sprouts are all up. I have been chitting [sprouting] broad beans and runner beans at home and I was able to get them into little pots to grow on in my poly-tunnel. When they are large enough I will harden them off and plant them out.
Although I did manage to find just enough daffodils to pick to bring home, I think that will be the last I can pick this year. many of them have been a bit chewed by sligs and snails but no new buds are growing now. The tulips are slow this year. Normally I can pick them as soon as the daffodils are finished but it will be a few week until they are ready.
Today, I will sow some of my annual herbs in large pots in my garden, especially parsley. I have curly parsley Lisette and a plain leaved parsley [Sheeps].
I will also start a couple of others off in my propagator - Orange scented thyme, Summer Savoury, Sweet Basil and Lemon Scented Basil
More later
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