It would be so easy to be seduced by the wonderful
spring-like weather we are having at the moment and... I totally am! But
really, we are only just out of February.
I have been trying to restrain myself from getting
going on my plot too early and, perhaps fortunately, a heavy cold that has made
me feel a bit miserable for a week or so, has prevented me from doing more than
I might otherwise have done.

Some activities are reasonably safe... I think!
Today I prepared seed beds for early sowings of some brassicas in my
poly-tunnel. I have tried to rein myself in and have sown only a few seeds from
each packet. Today, I've sown All Year Round Cauliflower, Cabbage - Golden Acre Primo, both from Dobies and Brussels Sprouts - Seven Hills from the Real Seed Catalogue [it's the first time I have tried these but they are recommended for exposed windy sites - my plot is certainly that although, being in the South West, t is probably not as exposed as some]. Brassica seeds will keep for several years so, it’s a good idea to
sow only what you think you will need. Of course, if you are sowing very early
you can successionally sow up to the end of April and for many varieties, well
after that. Do read the instructions on your packets of seed and take into
consideration where you are living and the weather conditions. In my poly
tunnel is, I think, pretty safe but, possibly, if this mild weather continues,
I could get away with sowing brassicas in outdoor seedbeds. They might be
slower to germinate but that’s okay. If you are propagating indoors or in a
propagator do make sure they are ‘hardened off’ [gradually reducing the levels
of heat...without exposing to harsh frosty conditions, perhaps set them
outdoors during the day then take back indoors at night!] before transplanting
I did take a tray of propagator induced lettuce
seedlings to my poly-tunnel a couple of weeks ago and today, I transplanted a
few of them into the enriched compost of my tunnel and watered them well in.
Although they were really quite small...second true-leaf stage, hopefully, I
will have some early lettuce. This is well worth doing as they are easy to grow
and are so expensive to buy. These are Cos, Winter Gem, Vaila, and are really
quite hardy. Shortly, I will transplant some of them outside.
Today, I took the fleece covering from my globe
artichoke plants. This is the first year I have covered them although all
professional advice does recommend this [usually covering with straw for
over-wintering]. After last year’s exceptionally harsh winter, when I lost 40%
of my plants, I decided I was being just a bit too confident. Several of my
allotment neighbours reported 100% loss. My plants are just starting to put on
new growth and I felt it was time to divide a couple of them which were
becoming a bit too ‘overgrown’ to do well in the coming season. The original
artichoke plants will die back as they age and will put out side shoots. These
will be fine for a few years but, eventually the plant will start to fail and
will need to be replaced. This can be avoided by dividing the root mass. When
the side shoots become obvious you can, during the ‘dormant’ months put the
spade through the root mass and separate the side shoot from the ‘parent’
plant. This ‘side shoot’ can then be transplanted and will grow successfully as
a new plant, removing the need for buying seeds or new plants. When you do
this, make sure you take as much of the new root with your new plant as
necessary. Several years ago I would complete this process without thinking and
had 100% success. However, during the last 2 bitter winters, my propagation
methods have had limited success and I am now so much more careful. Nothing
beats over-confidence like a bit of failure!

I’ve also been back to my propagator and have sown
two types of basil in pots, some orange scented thyme, Sultana tomatoes [little
plum shaped, salad tomatoes which did absolutely brilliantly last year and
tasted amazing... I bought my seeds from Dobies ]. I’ve sown pepper seeds and
after the success of my chilli seeds, I hope these will be as successful. Last
year’s peppers, although they grew and did produce fruit were not, what I
would call, successful. The previous year I grew ‘Sweet California’ from a
packet of free seeds which were outstanding. However, as we had little heat or sunshine
during the growing season last year, the results were disappointing. Really,
the impact of the weather conditions can’t be ignored, especially for crops
which are not indigenous. My recent sowing was with Corno di Toro Rosso from
Dobies. These are long sweet peppers, suitable for salads and cooking. I will
sow my ‘bell’ type peppers later.
And, God heavens! the first asparagus spears are appearing... already!
From now on, I guess the year will speed up so, more
stuff in the near future.
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