Vegetables – 2 – Squashes and Pumpkins
I have come to this group of vegetables late in my
life and late in my growing experience. My daughter and a neighbour on my
allotment field have introduced me to the delights of them. My favourite
vegetables are brassicas, closely followed by the allium family and potatoes.
After that come the legumes (beans and peas). So, you can see that those
fruiting vegetables come a long way down my hierarchy of favourites. Of course
I grow tomatoes and peppers and chillies. I use them, dry them for use in the winter
or freeze them for dishes in the winter.
I have given up growing aubergines. I did produce
some excellent crops of these in my poly tunnel in warm years but, I found that
I was not seduced by them and gave most away. I don’t dislike them but, when they
are available there is so much more stuff I prefer.
Until last year, this same principal applied to squashes
and pumpkins. It was a challenge to grow lots of different varieties but,
somewhere along the line there have been some varieties I have learned to love
, want to grow because I want to eat them and hope to store them for winter
My favourites, by a long way are Butternut Squash –
there are several different varieties of these and all of the ones I’ve grown
have been excellent though, disappointingly, each plant produces – for me
anyway, no more than 2 fruits. Okay, I can plan for that but, last year my
germination rate for pumpkins and squashes was definitely not good – no more
than 30%. And when you consider that in each packet of seed you get no more
than 5 or 6 seeds, this is definitely not enough to see me through the winter.
Last year, I was totally impressed by pumpkin ‘Baby
Bear’ which produces smallish fruits suitable for eating in one meal – I loved
them but, this spring the germination rate was 0%. Instead I had ‘Hooligan’
which were similar in size but had much harder skins. They were similarly
prolific – each plant producing 4 or 5 fruits. Their skin is unbelievably tough
but, the flesh is excellent. I’ve also grown Justynka – not amazingly prolific
but it does produce a range of sizes for medium to small and is quite delicious.
Already I have bought a range of different seeds for
next year, including those which have not done so well this year. 2011 was a
difficult year so I feel it is important to grow a range of vegetables which
might be successful. Long range weather forecasters are suggesting that we might
be into an extended period of unpredictable weather so, it is probably in our
own interests to plan accordingly.
Anyway, do try some delicious and seasonal recipes
for squashes and pumpkins:
Squash Soup
1 Medium to large butternut squash ( well this
depends on the average you have produced on your plot)
2 Large potatoes ( the floury variety)
1 litre ( 2 pints) chicken or vegetable stock
1 medium Chilli pepper ( my choice is for Joe’s
Long, I find them reliably medium hot even in cool years)
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
Finely chopped coriander
2 – 3 cloves
of garlic
150 ml ( ¼ pint double cream) if you wish you can
add milk to deduce the fat content.
A dollop of crème fraishe to garnish.
Wash and cut the squash in half
lengthways. Remove the seeds.
Peel the garlic cloves and put them in
the seed spaces of the squashes to raost.
Roast the squash – oven 180ºC no 5 gas for 25 to 30 mins.
In the meantime, wash, peel and cut the
potatoes into cubes.
Put the potatoes into a large saucepan
with the stock, chilli and seasoning and bring to the boil. Simmer gently.
When the squash is cooked and soft,
scoop it (with the roasted garlic), into the saucepan. Bring to the boil then
simmer gently for 10 minutes or so to blend the flavours.
Put through a blender or blitz with a
hand blender until smooth. If you don’t have electronic equipment, just mash
the ingredients well.
Correct the seasoning to taste and serve.
Garnish with chopped coriander and a
dollop of crème fraishe
Serve with hot crusty brown or white
Butternut Squash with Roasted Potatoes – this recipe came
from Philip Drew, but I can’t find his original so this is my take on his idea
1 – 2 medium onions - red onions for preference –
peeled and cut into chunks
½ kilo suitable roasting potatoes – washed, peeled
and cut into large chunks
1 medium butternut squash – sliced, peeled and
deseeded then cut into chunks
1 garlic bulb – separate the cloves and skin them
A good dollop of top quality olive oil
A good sprinkle of sea salt and freshly cracked
black pepper
Some sprigs of rosemary
Prepare the vegetables.
Heat the oil in a roasting pan until hot
- 200ºC, No 6 gas
Toss the prepared squash, onions and
potatoes in the hot oil.
Add the seasoning, herbs and garlic and
return to the oven.
Cook for a further 30-40 minutes until
the vegetables are golden brown and crunchy ( this will depend on the size you
have cut them.
Serve immediately with any roast meat or
with a nut roast.
– an excellent choice for Christmas dinner
and Chicken Breast Parcels
This is a low fat main dish par excellence, but
very, very tasty and satisfying.
person you will need:
1 chicken breast – without skin – left whole
3 slices of butternut squash (1cm thick - ½inch)
skinned and sliced – OR - use the flesh from a range of squashes or pumpkins
instead with excellent results
1 piece of fruit – a pear, apple or peach /
nectarine – washed and sliced – leave the skin on.
3 – 4 medium mushrooms – wiped and sliced
3 – 4 mini tomatoes or one regular sliced
Herbs – be generous (my choice is for a mixture of
lemon thyme, tarragon and marjoram with parsley, but do use you own favourites)
Sea salt and freshly cracked black pepper
A knob of butter – if you must!
You will need a sheet of tinfoil or
greaseproof paper for each portion. Spread it out and add the prepared
ingredients – it really doesn’t matter what order you add them to the pile.
Season well and add your chosen herbs.
Close the parcel and put in an oven
proof dish.
Bake in a preheated oven 180ºC, No 5 gas for about an hour.
Remove from the ‘parcel’ onto the plate
and serve with mashed or baked potatoes and green vegetables.
Note This makes an excellent
supper party dish wrapped in greaseproof paper where each guest has their own
The flavouring ingredients can be
changed – spices and chillies, peppers, curry spices, a different range of
fruit, grated lemon or orange rind, etc. You can put sliced or tiny potatoes
into the parcel. They will take longer to cook and will absorb the juices from
the ingredients making a drier dish but, the upside is that the whole dish is
cooked together.